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Child and teenager Chiropractor

Children and teenagers

At OptiStart Chiropractic Berwick our purpose is to support your goals for the health and development of your family.


A journey of development

We are passionate about helping you achieve your goals to raise a healthy school aged child or teenager. 

Our team at OptiStart Chiropractic Berwick has extra training in these age groups, has children of their own, and a passion for bringing out the best. 

We see children across they lifespan – the newborn, infant, toddler, preschool age, primary school age, and high school. 

Reasons parents present to us with their child

Parents present to us with their child with a health or developmental concerns. You don’t need to have a “health concern” to see us for an assessment – you can simply do it because you feel a Paediatric Chiropractic assessment for function is a good idea.

The list of these reasons parents have for seeing us is quite broad.

The reasons parents request to see us include:

  • Gait issues – limp, legs that turn out/in. 
  • Sleep issues
  • Behavioural concerns
  • Sensory processing concerns
  • Attention and learning issues. 
  • Gross motor and fine motor delays
  • Musculoskeletal concerns – such as back pain, neck pain, headaches. 
  • Posture  – uneven pelvis, spine, scoliosis
  • Balance issues, co-ordination, “clumsiness”

Chiropractic is not a “treatment” for any one condition, and no claims are made about treating any conditions. Chiropractic seeks to identify spinal interference to the nervous system, and removing that interference, so a child can function at their best. 

Why see us with your preschool, primary school or high school aged child?

  • Dr Adam (Chiropractor) has extensive experience in the care of children
  • Dr Adam (Chiropractor) has extra post graduate training in this area. 
  • Dr Adam (Chiropractor) has previously restricted his practice to the care of babies and children from 2006-2018. (He now accepts adult clients on request)

Our services for children and teenagers includes:

  • Thorough history – covering your concerns, musculoskeletal health, extremity issues, sleep, mental health, learning, attention, development, and systems review. 
  • Thorough assessment including gait, posture, range of motion, gross motor, fine motor, vestibular (balance), co-ordination, muscle tone,  cerebellar function, auditory and visual processing, retained primitive reflexes, and extremity assessment. 
  • Thorough spinal assessment looking for area’s of dysfunction (Subluxation)
  • Developmental assessments. 
  • Postural and scoliosis assessments

Child and teenager chiropractic care

Call or book online.

We also offer care for infants, toddlers, adults, and throughout pregnancy