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Infant and Toddlers

Infants and Toddlers

Dr Adam Stewart (Chiropractor) has a special interest in Paediatric Chiropractic.

For the most optimal start to life

We are passionate about helping you achieve your goals to raise a healthy newborn, infant, or toddler.  

Our team at OptiStart Chiropractic Berwick has extra training in these age groups, has children of their own, and a passion for bringing out the best. 

We see children across they lifespan – the newborn, infant, toddler, preschool age, primary school age, and teenagers. We also accept adults and older adults. 

Reasons parents present to us with their newborn, infant, or toddler.

Parents often present to us with their baby with a health or developmental concern. You don’t need to have a “health concern” to see us for an assessment – you can simply do it because you feel a Paediatric Chiropractic assessment for function is a good idea.

The list of these reasons parents have for seeing us is quite broad.

The reasons parents request to see us include:

  • Concerns about unsettled behaviour. 
  • Sleep issues
  • Head preference to one side
  • Head shape concerns (Plagiocephaly)
  • Suboptimal Breastfeeding (attachment issues, fussiness, suck issues, swallow issues)
  • Rolling to one side only, or delays in rolling
  • Concerns about progression from prone time to rolling, rocking, crawling, standing and walking. 
  • Dislike or hate with tummy (prone) time.

Chiropractic is not a “treatment” for any one condition, and no claims are made about treating any conditions. Chiropractic seeks to identify spinal interference to the nervous system, and removing that interference, so a baby can function at their best. 

Why see us with your newborn, infant or toddler?

Dr Adam (Chiropractor) has…

  • extensive experience in the care of children over 22 years of practice.
  • extra post graduate training in the the care of babies, and children.
  • previously restricted his practice to the care of babies and children from 2006-2018. (He now accepts adult clients on request)
  • published research on plagiocephaly, syncope and suboptimal breastfeeding in babies. 
  • been part of training other Chiropractors in the care of babies and  children. 

Our services for newborns, infants and toddlers includes:

  • Thorough history – covering your concerns, pregnancy, birth process, newborn history, settledness, breastfeeding/bottle feeding history, gross motor development and systems review.
  • Primitive reflex and postural reflex assessment
  • Muscle tone assessment. 
  • Head shape assessments using various standardised methods. 
  • Post birth assessments
  • Spinal, extremity, and cranial assessments
  • Thorough assessment including gait, posture, range of motion, gross m
  • Developmental assessments. 
  • Gentle, specific, and age appropriate techniques (non-clicking)
  • Specific advice and home exercises
  • Referral to other practitioners when required

About Dr Adam (Chiropractor)

Dr Adam graduated in 2002, and has been in practice over 22 years. 

Early on in practice, and with a young family of his own, he became interested in the care of babies and children completing a certificate in Chiropractic Paediatrics, then the 3 year full time, postgraduate chiropractic paediatric fellowship program at Chiropractic Children’s Healthcare.

For over 10 years Dr Adam restricted his practice to the care of children, with approximately 50% being babies, and the other 50% ages 1-16. 

He has published studies in Plagiocephaly, Syncope, and Breastfeeding difficulties.

Newborn, infant and toddler consultation in Berwick

Call or book online.

We also offer care for preschoolers, school aged children, teenagers, adults, and throughout pregnancy

Get in touch with our practice to arrange an appointment. Our family chiropractic practice is located close to Hallam, Officer, Narre-Warren and Cranbourne.