Health Goals
It’s the time of the year when many of us set new goals for our life – our family, our health, our fitness, work and so on.
New years resolutions are great, but an even better is an ongoing approach to goal setting continually re-evaluating, tweaking, and refining that we are continually getting healthier all the time.
Most of us are reactive when it comes to goals – a “pain” or “problem” arises and our goal becomes “fix the pain” or “fix the problem.” This naturally makes sense, but developing a more proactive approach may result in a more optimal result. For example… what can I do to prevent this problem returning, or how can I “create health.”
Our health goals often stem from our values in life, and our beliefs, so it’s worth looking at values, and then goals naturally follow.
Values are “what we think are important.”
Values are “hot buttons” that drive our behaviours. They are unconscious motivators and demotivators.
- Towards values – move you towards something – based on positive emotions
- Away values – move you away from something – based on negative emotions.
If your values are aligned, achieving your goals is easier.
It could be said that there are five 5 major categories of our values.
- Family
- Health
- Social
- Career
- Financial
It can be worth the time to reflect and write down your values, brainstorming what’s important in your life. Then take this list and re-order these values in order of priority, becoming clearer on what’s important for you and your family.
Our health goals naturally flow on from our beliefs and values. When setting health goals, you can break is down into short term goals, mid-term goals, and long-term goals.
- For example: if your goal is to lose 10kg, aim for a mid-term goal of 5 kg, and a short term goal of 1 kg. If your goal is a 10 Km run, then aim for 5km mid-term, and 1 short term.
When it comes to health symptoms or problems a common goal list is….
- Address the pain/problem/cause
- Develop strategies to strengthen/stabilise the condition
- Develop strategies to prevent the problem returning.
The clearer you get, the better your health will be.
Once you understand your values and goals, your decisions around Chiropractic care becomes easy.
As part of your chiropractic care, fill in and complete your own health goals here – Health Goals_2023