Optistart Blog
Motor milestones – ages 1-6
The development of a baby and child’s movements is referred to as Gross motor development. These movements occur in predictable and sequential patterns, which we refer to ask gross motor milestones.Development occurs in a top to bottom fashion with initial primitive reflexes progressing to postural reflexes, then finally full goal orientated and purposeful movements.From 1-3 […]
Fruity Christmas Tree Recipe
Here\’s a great idea for a healthy Christmas desert. Enjoy!Method:1. To create the tree\’s internal structure, cut slices from apple ends, so it sits flat on a round board.2. Carve out a 3cm-deep hole in apple wide enough to fit carrot top. Don\’t carve all the way through.3. Sit the carrot into the apple and […]
The Importance of Sleep
Why is sleep important? Sleep is an important physiological process which allows our body to rest and recover. It’s not a time of inactivity however!When an infant, child or adult is sleeping the brain is in fact very busy, with activity particularly involving higher cortical functions, and some studies state that brain is considered more […]
Infant Sleep
What are normal sleep patterns for age?When discussing “sleep normals” it should be remembered that there is some variation between different infants, and different ages. It is best to seek our individual advice to determine if your infant is in a normal range.A sleep problem is any sleep pattern that interferes with the refreshing nature […]
Plagiocephaly is a term used to describe asymmetrical head shape.Deformational plagiocephaly (also known as positional or non-synostotic plagiocephaly) is used to describe asymmetrical head shape as a result of head preference to one side. This should be differentiated from craniosynostosis, a rare cause of head shape asymmetry, which is caused by early fusion of sutures.Deformational […]
Breastfeeding Dysfunction
The benefits of breastfeeding are many. [1] They include; nutritional; immunological; cognitive; decreased morbidity and mortality; analgesic effects; decreased costs (products, healthcare); decreased risk of allergy; and improved jaw development and dentition. Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended as the best form of feeding in the first six months [2].60% of mothers who cease breastfeeding do so […]